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Resin Enhanced Wax Ribbon

The resin reinforced wax tape used for TTR printers is compatible with various materials, including nylon, polyester, acetate fiber, polyester, artificial silk, satin, and synthetic fibers. Therefore, before use, please check if the materials are available.

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Product Details

Resin reinforced wax thermal transfer carbon tape is mainly coated with wax and carbon black. High quality heat transfer carbon tape can protect the print head, and the printing effect can be accurately displayed on the packaging without scattering or falling off.

Resin reinforced wax heat transfer carbon tape has high density and sensitivity, suitable for paper labels, excellent printing effect and low cost, suitable for materials with slightly uneven surfaces. Not suitable for materials with smooth surfaces such as PET.

The use of resin reinforced wax heat transfer carbon tape should choose a suitable paper.

High quality heat transfer carbon tape can protect the print head, and the printing effect can be accurately displayed on the packaging without scattering or falling off.

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